Ethereum: How to place a bracket order on Binance through API?

Submit Binance support orders via API: step by step guide

As an Ethereum investor, he will probably be familiar with profit -making and restriction of potential losses. An effective way to achieve this is to use support orders in combination with OCO (one cancel other) orders in cryptocurrency exchange such as Binance.

In this article, we will guide him / her in the API process, ensuring that it can fulfill the order of the OCO and make a profit at a certain price.

Step 1: Sign up at Binance API

Be sure to sign up for the Binance API account before continuing. This will provide the right credentials to access your API keys and interact with Exchange API.

Step 2: Get your API

Ethereum: How to place a bracket order on Binance through API?


Once you sign up for the API account, you must get two API keys:

* Customer ID : This is used to confirm your API inquiries.

* Customer Secret

: This is a secret key that must be confidential to avoid illegal access to your account.

Step 3: Configure Binance Api Customer

To connect to Binance API, you need to configure the customer using the Python-Binance Library. Install the required package:


PIP to install python-binance

Create a new Python file (such and add the following code:


Import the operating system

Binance.client Import Client

Create API credentials

client_id = 'your_client_id'

client_secret = 'your_client_secret'

Initiate a Binance customer

Customer = Customer (Customer_ID, Customer_Secret)

Change your_client_id and your_client_secret with a real API keys.

Step 4: Put the support order

You will need to create an OCO order (one cancel the other) to provide support for support for Binance via API. Here is the code:


Def Place_bracket_order (Order_type, Quantity, Price):

Create an OCO request with a condition of benefit


"Type": OCO,

'Type1': {'side': 'buy', 'type': 'Lim limit'},

'Type2': {'side': 'Sell', 'type': 'stopoposs'}}


Configure Support Order Parameters

Bracket_order = {

“Price”: Price,

"Quantity": Quantity,

Order_type: Order_type,

'OCO_type1': OCO_ORDER ['Type1'],

'OCO_type2': OCO_ORDER ['Type2']


Frag OCO order using Binance API

Client.place_order (** bracket_order)

Change Order_type with "Buy",Sell "OStoposss.

Step 5: Take a profit to target price

By placing an OCO order, you can make a profit at a specific price. To do this, you will need to create another support order:


Def Place_profit_order (Bracket_order, Communications_price):

Create a profit order with output condition

benefit_order = {

"Type": 'profit',

'Type1': {'side': 'buy', 'type': 'LIM LIMIT'},

'Type2': {'side': 'Sell', 'type': 'stopoposs'}}


Concentrate the Gains order settings

Benefit_order_Parms = {

Price: Profit_Price,

'Quantity': Bracket_order ['Quantity'],

Order_type: Bracket_order ['Order_type']


Execute earnings order using Binance API

Client.place_order (** Benefit_order_Parms)

Change the Benefit_Price price for which you want to make a profit.

To put everything together

Here is the full code:

` Python

Import the operating system


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