Ethereum: How to precisely remove a specific amount of token0 or token1 liquidity from a Uniswap V2 Pair in Solidity
V2 pair, you will need to be removed.
Here is an example of how you could do this in Solidity:
Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;
Import “
uniswapv2Pair contract {
// mapping of token0 to token1 balances
Mapping (address => mapping (uint256 => uint256)) public token0totoken1;
// mapping of token1 to token0 balances
Mapping (address => mapping (uint256 => uint256)) public token1token0;
Constructor () {
// initialize the uniswap v2 pair with no lp tokens
For (address t0address: = address (0); t0address
Token0totoken1 [t0address] [0] = 0;
Token0totoken1 [t0address] [1] = 0;
For (address t1address: = address (0); t1address
Token1totoken0 [t1address] [0] = 0;
Token1totoken0 [t1address] [1] = 0;
Function Removeliquidity (Uint256 Amoununtoken0, Uint256 Amoveroftoken1) Public Returns (Uint256 AmountFlptokens) {
// calculate the total lp tokens to burn
Uint256 Totalamount = Amoustoftoken0 + Amoununtoken1;
// calculate the lp token amount to buy
Uint256 lptokentobuy = Totalamount / 2;
// burn the lp tokens
For (address t0address: = address (0); t0address
IF (token0ttotoken1 [t0address] [amountoftoken0]> amoustoPLptokens) {
Token0ttoken1 [t0address] [amouuntoftoken0] -= amoustoSplptokens;
lptokens = 0; // reset the lp tokens counter
} Else {
LPTOKENS += amoustoPlptokens – token0totoken1 [t0address] [Amoveroftoken0];
token0ttoken1 [t0address] [amoununtoken0] = amoustoSplptokens;
For (address t1address: = address (0); t1address
IF (token1totoken0 [t1address] [Amountoftoken1]> Amountoflptokens) {
Token1totoken0 [t1address] [amountoftoken1] -= amoustoPlptokens;
lptokens = 0; // reset the lp tokens counter
} Else {
LPTOKENS += amoustoPlptokens – token1totoken0 [t1address] [amoustoftoken1];
token1totoken0 [t1address] [amoustoftoken1] = amoustoPlptokens;
Return lptokens;
Like so:
Function Removeliquidity (Uint256 Amoveroftoken0, Uint256 Amountoken1) Public {
Uniswapv2pair uniswap = uniswapv2pair (address (this));
uint256 lptokens = uniswap.removeliquidity (amountoftoken0, amoustoftoken1);
Depending on your specific use case.