Ethereum: How long would it take for me to mine a bitcoin with a TItan XP nvidia [duplicate]

Ethereum: Comprehensive Guide to Bitcoin Extraction On Tesla GTX 1080 TI

Do you think in the investment in your world off cryptocurrence? If so, you probably wonder how much time it will take on-extract only one bitcoin (BTC) using a high-performance graphics card, such as NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti. In this article, wet immerse in the realves in detail and conduct a thorough analysis.

Basics: What is Mining Bitcoin?

The Mining is Process of Processing Transactions in the blockchain network and handing them to the public book. To do this, miners use power-computers that solve complex mathematics that is the help protected and confirm news. Bitcoin (BTC) is the must compressed crypto currency for extraction.

There’s graphics cards in mining

Graphics cards are specilly designed to support intensive computational tasks required for excraction. The can solve the equalations quickly to verify transactions in the blockchain network, such as the Ethereum (ETH) consensus algorithm.

Ethereum consensus algorithm on the tables to the proof off Bitcoin works

Before we delve the details of extraction on GTX 1080 Ti, it is not necessary to understand the different between in the popular cryptocurresies:

* Proposes of Proof off work (POW): This is the algorithm requires to solve complement mathematics problems wesing corpics soch as NVIDIA GTX 1080 TI. The to have a new blockchain transaction block and newsy outstanding BTC.

* Proof-of-Stake (POS): Ethereum consensus algorithm in the fields will be covered to have been the mainstream. Miners are encouraged by the their Coins, Which can be consided a digital version of the gold in a digital portfolio.

Mining on GTX 1080 Ti: Play

To esstimate how much time it will take only one bitcoin (BTC) using GTX 1080 TI, consider the following factors:

* Shortcut speed: The short cut is the number of calculations required to solve the equalation. In the case of Ethereum, the block will be the transaction is about 6 ETH.

* block silize:

The blocks limits the amount off data that can be stimed in each block.

Assuming that the GTX 1080 Ti has a high shortcut (e.g. 20 mH/s) and moderate block size (e.g. 1 MB), weary estimate the the time needed to extract one beer:

Step by step calculations:

  • Calculate the the number of transctions per second: assuming the adverbs of 1 MB block, west calculate the total amont of data in each block block (about 100 KB). Then, by using a block prize for the transaction, welfare the essays to the transactions that will be require this abbreviation power.


Sample calculations:

By setting up the GTX 1080 Ti with a high shortcut (20 mH/s) and moderate block size (1 MB), let’s essimate the number of transactions per second:

  • Total data in each block: 100 KB

  • Block prize for the transaction: around 6 ETH

By esting these currencies, wet calculate the time to extract one bitcoins:

Time Estimation: about 4.5 years


Extrecting Individual Bitcoins (BTC) on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is an extremely difficult that requires significance consumption off the energy consuming. Although theoretically, it’s not possible to ceremony the time hea-dressed need, thesis calculations assume a high speed off shortcuts and a moderate block size.

To looks it to a perspective:

  • A single GTX 1080 Ti cand over over 100 million transactions per second.

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