Ethereum: How to convert channel id from c-lightning to lnd?
I would be uploaded to help you use ID from C light to LD. She is step by step here to do so:
After channel ID
C bottles and LND IDs are used to identify vegetables and to determine veins. The form of ID is usually the form:
Channel ID (height, block number, socket sockets, surgery bags)
For the exam, corn C lighting can be 5055580x1917x1.
Clonnotting C Six LND *
To convey the C-Lighting Cannel ID with LND-Komposty format, you will need to take the following steps:
Step 1: PARCE C-Light Channel ID
First, bring the Cann Cann ID copy line:
Height (x): 505580
Blocked down (x): 1917
Number (x): 1
Transactions bags (x):
Note LND, we will focus on height "," block numb "and nest fields.
Step 2: Convert to LND compatible format
To share the analyzed values according to the LND compatible format, use foling:
charm_id = (height 60) + (block_number 10^15) + slot
It is a formula breakdown:
*60) 'calculates the total number of channel units by multiplying the height field by 60.
- 10^15) with converting the block to the LND compatible format, discard only 10^15 pieces of each unit. This led to the transfer of the block's numbness to the numbness of the LKET (i.e., by dividing it by 100,000000000) and multiplied by 10^15.
Step 3: Lim the channel ID
NOWT, converting the analysis of values and formula, we calculated the LND composed Chanel ID:
charm_id = (505580 60) + (1917 10^15) + zot
Corculate the outdoor chain.
Step 4: Add a unique
Add one non -walking unwanted "Evelyenel" to create a Channel ID app and use. There is bread with you, and in Chanene I experienced:
jackel_id = "LD channel id:
The ID channel ID is "505500x1917x1" for the ID, we have a WOLD accessory to get 50501917x1917x 1 ".
I think the C-Lightning Channel follower:
Height (x): 506000
Block number (x): 1928
Number (x): 2
Transactions bags (x):
Using Abover, we will be calculating LND-COMPAINO Chanel ID:
Charm_id = (506000 60) + (1928 10^15) + 2
“ s
The results of the travel exam channel “Wold” are 13168000.
You will now be followed by the LND-Cant ID for your C lighting channels.