Ethereum: How to develop with layer 2

Eterereum Layer 2 Students: a driving for beginners to the development of solidity and the other Lange

As a new developer for Ethereum, you will probably be Eagger to explore the latest most recent lines. One of the most exams are the level 2 (L2) technologies to faster and efficient transactions, reducing the congestion of vegetation issues is emitted by the translational ateo. In this art, we will deepen two important L2 solutions: arbitrum, optimm and zkksyn, focusing on ylidity and / or programming languages.

What layer 2 st. *

Level 2 Sozioni must increase the scalability and usability of Ethereum without correcting safety. By downloading so much of logic and ftutor calculations the blockchain “, at least, the seeds can be the same, the congestion of reduction and improving the user’s experience too.

* willingness: a scalable L2

Arbitrustust S One of the most popular level 2 solutions solutions 2. It is a group led by Mihai Alise, a well -known developer in Ethereum’s ecosystem. Arbitrumum aims at the provisions to provide them with fasting transactions and guarantee the congestion issued by the translational heterroum.

To develop on referee solidity use:


2.Create a new contract *: write your solidity contract, which can distribute on the referee chain.

  • * Use the gray bookshop: use the ends to work with ABI (Etheretum interface).

  • API Inority

    Ethereum: How to develop with layer 2

    🙂 to the referee of the API through the railings and interact with you.



We have a solid power ^;

It matters “tthps: //

Mycontratct {contract

Myfunction () financing () Public call Returns (Bool) {

// Call the API Arbitrum to be performed

Oint256 [] memory input = Neut Yunt256 [] (1);

Oint256 [] memory output = neut yunt256 [] (2) (2);

(Inputes [0], outputs [0]) = abi.ecodepacked (1, 2); // Exam function

// Use the API to interact with your agreement

Bool results = ABI.DECODEBOOL (THIS) .Avalue (Thiss [0] * 10).

return of the restriction;




* Optimm: a scalable L2

Optimm is a popular provisions of Sotion 2 SOCATION TIT and safe transactions. It is mainly focused on reducing latency and improving user skills.

To develop in Optimm USA SOLIDITITY:

  • * Install the optimal SDK: Download the latest version of the SDK Optimt fraction The website.

2.Create a new contract *: Write your contract solidity, which can distribute on optimism.

  • * Use the slotment of the library: uses optimal clothes to work with ABI of Etherreum.

  • ** Ingot and enable the ordinances of the Lord's day.



We have a solid power ^;

imperative "";

Mycontratct {contract

Myfunction () financing () Public call Returns (Bool) {

// Call the OPMIMM API for exercise

Oint256 [] memory input = Neut Yunt256 [] (1);

Oint256 [] memory output = neut yunt256 [] (2) (2);

(Inputes [0], outputs [0]) = abi.ecodepacked (1, 2); // Exam function

// Use the API to interact with your agreement

Bool results = ABI.DECODEBOOL (THIS) .Avalue (Thiss [0] * 10).

return of the restriction;



` s

* Zksyn: a scalable L2

Zksync is that level 2 sortes are no longer consequent to transmit and protect transactions.

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