Ethereum: How to retrieve list of assets from Binance API?

Related Listed Activa from Binance API: Blood handling

Ethereum: How to retrieve list of assets from Binance API?

Binance API is a bridge to access to the distinct aspects of your trades. In this state, we dissatisfied with the list of activs from the API Binance and to solve the proceeds with the end of the state, which you stir.

What is the end of API Binance (Running)?

Binance API is a restful api that allows you to make the disabilities with the various functions on the Binance platform. Fining points, especially named in the commercial operats, such as “sapi/v1/margin/allassts”, which we disperse in this state.

Get/SAPI/V1/Margin/Alllassts: Potential Problem

You are a right -handed point Get/SAPI/V1/Margin/Allassts Retriends the Scarecrow Access to HTTP. This is not a scoop, but the extinguishers of the API.

Problem, faithful, connected with the fact that the final pole /margin/allassts' does not look away from the activists in the classic flare. In addition, this is the case with the massive, the content of the margins, which can be included in the activators or the idyntifikators, the convex with these utter.

How to Take the List Activa from Binance API

To make a list of activs from API binance, dusting the following action:


  • Use the final pointGet/SAPI/V1/Accountto get a metadada about your culprit records :




Remove {binancembol} on the symbol that you want to get (for example, Btc,USDT) and {YOURAPIKEY} and {YOURAPEECRET} with your fact.





Open the same, change {binancembol} on the symbol that you want to get back, and {YOURAPikey} and {YOURAPECRET from your fact.


  • Revenge that you will be closed by any Ogranic by the Post or the Problems of the Quotes for Data from API Binance.

  • Immet in the view that some of the data can be given or non -sexual ones, especially for activa, which do not have the strength on the market.

  • Give a sight what the final pole Get/SAPI/V1/Margin/Alllassts' Obed and can change in the future. Aside this, use the final pointGet/SAPI/V1/Account` to get a metadanic record.

The following is the following step, you are able to get the list of activists from the API Binance and allocate other actions, using the finished fin points. Happy Coding!

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