Ethereum: official binance-api swift4 compile error

Here is a full article about your Binance Ethereum API compilation error:

Ethereum API compilation error on Binance with Swift 4 and XCode

I am getting an error when trying to compile my Ethereum API project using Swift 4 and XCode on macOS 10.13/10.14. The issue is related to the Binance API, which I have integrated into my project.

The issue:

The issue occurs when I try to compile a new file in my project directory. After running the swift build command, it throws an error pointing to the following line:

/bin/ld: unable to find -lbinanceapi

This suggests that the Binance API is not connected properly.

The README file:

I have checked the official Binance Swift 4 API README file and the instructions appear to be correct. Here’s a summary of what I did:

  • I created an Xcode project with a new Swift package called BinanceApi.
  • I added the necessary import statements for the Binance API.
  • I integrated the Ethereum API into my project using the import Ethereum statement.

XCode Build Settings:

In my XCode project settings, I added the following build settings:

  • OTHER_LDFLAGS: -lEthereum

However, I noticed that some of these flags are missing or not present at all. This suggests that the XCode build process is trying to link to a different library than the one I specified.

The Solution:

Ethereum: official binance-api swift4 compile error

To resolve this issue, I recommend checking the following:

  • Make sure you have added the Binance API to your project’s Swift Package Manager (SPM) by running the swift package add BinanceApi command.
  • Verify that you are using the correct version of the Ethereum library and its dependencies.
  • Make sure that XCode is configured to link to the correct library.

Additional Tips:

  • Make sure your Xcode Preferences are set correctly to create a new project with Swift 4.
  • Use the XCode Command Line Tool (CCT) or Xcode Organizer to build and run your project, as this may help identify any issues that are not present in your XCode project settings.


After fixing the issue, I believe it is due to a combination of factors:

  • The Binance API is not linked properly.
  • OTHER_LDFLAGS flags are missing or incorrect.

I hope this helps you resolve your Binance Ethereum API compilation error with Swift 4 and XCode. If you still have issues, please provide more details on the log output as it may help us identify the root cause of the issue.

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