Ethereum: TypeError: invalid BytesLike value (argument=”value”, value=[ ], code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=6.10.0) in testing Raffle Contract

Ethereum Typereror: Invalid value similar to byte (argument = “value”, value = [], code = disabled_argument, version = 6.10.0)


The error message you see indicates that the Network.Provider receive an invalid argument when calling EVM_increasetime. This question is because the number (interval) + 1 cannot be transformed into a valid bypass of a byte evm_increasetime.


In order to solve this problem, we must ensure that thenumber (interval) + 1can successfully turn into an entire number. Here’s a corrected code clip:


// …

await the net.Provider.send (‘evm_increasetime’, [number (interval) + 1]);


Using anumber (interval) + 1, we ensure that the resulting value is a valid number, which requires function of EVM_increasetime.

An additional advice:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Ethereum contract arranged on your test network.

  • Ensure that the provider of your node (eg Infura, Alchemy) supports the latest version of the Ethereum of the contract.

  • Make sure your implementation or contract call is correctly shaped and contains no mistakes in syntax.

Example uses the case:

Here’s an updated example showing how to properly use evm_increasetime:


Const {eters} = demand (‘ethers’);

// Create a new instance of signatories

Const signatory = awaits ether.getsigner ();

// Define the interval per second

Const interval = 10; // Replace the desired interval

// Get the current time tag and add an interval to it

Const currenttime = () / 1000;

Let the next time = current + interval;

// properly use EVM_increasetime

awaits the signatory.Sendtransation ({{{

of: ‘0xyourwalletaddress’, // Replace your wallet address

to: ‘0xContractDDress’, // Replace the contract address

Value: Ethers.utils.parteether (‘1’), // Replace the transaction amount

Data: [‘EVM_increasetime’],


// Wait for a transaction to mines

await the net.provider.sendtransation ({from: signature.address, Data: [Nexttime]});


In this example, we first calculate the current time mark and add it to it. Then we useevm_increasetimeproperly by entering a valid argument.

Following these steps and examples, you should be able to resolve Typereror and successfully callEvm_increasetime` at your Ethereum contract.

Ethereum People With Nodes

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