Solana: How to interact with the anchor program that uses optional accounts

Interacting with Anchor programs using optional accounts in Rust

Anchor is a platform developed by Google that allows developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) on the Solana blockchain. One of the key features of Anchor is the ability to use optional accounts, which allows for more flexibility and customization when designing transactions.

In this article, we will explore how to interact with an Anchor program that uses optional accounts in Rust.

What are optional accounts?

Optional accounts are a type of account structure used in Anchor. They provide a way to represent data without having to use standard accounts such as Account or Pubkey. Instead, they are based on optional properties that can be accessed and modified by other accounts using the optional_account property.

The Structure of the Data Account

Let’s look at an example structure of an account that uses optional accounts:

#[fetch (accounts)]

pub struct Data {


metadata: i32,

pub key: Key,

pub optional_metadata: Option,


In this example, we define a Data account with a variable reference to the metadata property. We also include an optional_metadata field, which is of type Option. This allows us to store any data that may or may not be needed.

Interact with anchor programs using optional accounts

To interact with an anchor program that uses optional accounts, we can use Rust’s anchor crate. Here are the steps:

  • Install Anchor and Rust Crypto Crates: Run the following command in your terminal:

cargo install anchor-rs rust-crypto

  • Create a new Anchor Project

    Solana: How to interact with anchor program that uses optional accounts

    : Create a new directory for your project and run the following command:

anchor init my-anchor-project

  • Write an anchor program with optional accounts: Replace the file with the following code:

use anchor_lang::{account_info, account_miners};

use anchor_program::invoke;

// Define the data account structure


pub struct Data {


published metadata: i32,


impl data account {

type error = Box;

fn from_account(


key: key,

_metadata: Option,

_optional_metadata: Option,

) -> Result {

//Set the metadata to 0

self.metadata = Some(0);



fn execute(

courage self,

msg: &str,

_data: &mut Option>,

data_miners: &mut [Key],

key: key,

) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {

// Update metadata

self.metadata = Some(msg.to_string().parse().unwrap());




This program defines an account Data with an optional metadata field. We also include a run function that allows us to update the metadata.

  • Compile and run the Anchor program: Run the following command:

cargo build --release

./anchoredump -t solana my-anchor-project

This will compile and generate a .sol file for your Anchor project.

  • Use Rust to interact with the anchor program: To demonstrate how to use this account structure, create a new file in your project directory:

“` rust

use solana_program::{





fn main() -> ProgramResult {

// Get the metadata from an optional account

let metadata = next_account_info(&[1], &[





matching metadata {

Some(metadata) => println!(“Received metadata: {}”, metadata),

None => println!

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